I have a hard time accepting that anyone who grew up in New York City, ran a very public business for decades and has supposedly had meetings and negotiations with so many top leaders in business and government, is as ignorant of how our government works as Donald J. Trump obviously is. However, on a daily basis, he shows me and the world not only how ignorant he is about how government works, but also how ignorant he is about life. In the NY Times interview when commenting on Jeff Sessions’ decision to recuse himself, Trump once again showed his childish nature and misunderstanding of “real” life, when he complained of the situation of Session’ recusal as “unfair” to him, Donald J. Trump. It seems, that to Donald J. Trump, that life owes him fairness. I’d be interested in hearing what all of his current supporters have to say about that, except I think they might feel the same as he does…
I think Trump’s supporters are a group of people who are disillusioned with life here in the U.S. because their American dreams didn’t come true, or at least not the way they wanted. I think Trump’s most ardent supporters might be stuck in adolescence. When I hear them speak, they ‘re frequently incoherent, inarticulate and end up saying things that the rest of decent society have deemed wrong. Not just inappropriate, things but harmful and hateful language including physical threats. This behavior reminds me of middle school. Are all of Trump’s supporters this way? No, but those that aren’t, have taken the position allowing that element to co-exist with them rather than defining a difference that most of us would. years ago my wife’s aunt married a man that had issues. I’m sure he would have voted for Trump had he lived to do so. At a Christmas celebration at my mother-in-law’s home, that man used the N-word to describe someone, not at the dinner. To paraphrase my wonderful wife, who took exception with is language, she told him “We don’t speak that way or associate with hateful people who do.” That’s what I think a decent, nice and good person does when such hateful things occur. I wish it had been me.
Why would Trump say he might move to have the FBI director begin reporting directly to him rather than through the Attorney General? His suggestion is that he, not a legal scholar nor professional, should be responsible for the oversight of our government’s legal matters which also include counter intelligence against our foreign and domestic enemies. This is beyond ridiculous, it’s the type of behavior you get from dictators. Donald J. Trump is himself creating a huge government with this type of language. What could be bigger government than the President has the direct power to tell the FBI to stop investing him or anyone he likes? A government is it’s biggest when only a few have the power. Trump is suggesting he is prescient enough, responsible enough and mature enough to run the FBI. So far, he hasn’t shown any of those in the office to which he was elected. I wouldn’t hire Donald J. Trump to babysit my kids or my dogs. I don’t kids.
Here’s my belief of the situation with Donald J. Trump, Russia, Putin, the Presidency, his supporters and his sycophantic administration; Trump might be deep in debt to Putin, Russian Banks and or the Russian Mafia, they might all be one in the same and led by Vladimir Putin. Putin’s Russian Mafia might have pressed Trump for payment of debts he might not be able to repay and might have suggested to Trump that Donald J. Trump should run for President in hopes that they could use his campaign as a front to access and hack the DNC and the RNC. Putin’s Russian Mafia might have wanted to help, not only delegitimize the U.S. election system and our form of Democracy, but once Trump won the election, I believe it’s possible that Putin and his Russian Mafia might have along with Russian Operatives working closely with Trump’s Campaign, moved toward the opportunity to launder money with the support of Donald J. Trump’s administration. They might have looked at it as an opportunity to create a covert “U.S. Government Money Laundering System” that Putin and his oligarchs could utilize as a personal banking cleaner to bypass global banking regulations. What would his motivation be for this, if it’s true, you ask? I’d guess repayment of his debt. This might be the kind of thing that Trump might see as an opportunity to eliminate any debt he owes to Putin’s Russian Mafia or others who he can’t run from or file bankruptcy from. What might Putin and his Russian Mafia do to Donald J Trump if he couldn’t or wouldn’t repay his debt
What would his motivation be for this, if it’s true, you ask? I’d guess repayment of his debt. This might be the kind of thing that Trump might see as an opportunity to eliminate any debt he owes to Putin’s Russian Mafia or others, who he can’t run from or file bankruptcy from. What might Putin and his Russian Mafia do to Donald J Trump if he couldn’t or wouldn’t repay his debt to them? How do the Russians usually do to those who don’t repay a debt?
This is of course speculation on my part. But isn’t that what Trump wants? I’ve not heard him says so, but I have to believe he is one of those who believes any publicity is good publicity. As long as he’s the topic of speculation, he’ll throw money and lawyers at it until the speculators go away. The real problem for him now, is that it’s not People Magazine, the National Enquirer or Access Hollywood speculating, it’s federal investigators, the real Press and media and progressive minded people who expect integrity in Government, and we’re not going away.
Trump’s ability to obfuscate and willfully ignore and deny what’s obvious to all in witness, is mind-boggling. His parties willingness to go along with his idiocy, malfeasance, and negligence might be a historic abdication of patriotic duty and may well violate their oaths of office. Who is responsible for enforcing the oaths of office for Federal Public officials? I don’t know, but it’s probably Jess Sessions or the incoming FBI Director. Either way, it’s hard to trust that anyone associated with Donald J. Trump is trust worthy or will do anything that is in defense and support of the U.S. Constitution.
Donald J. Trump is example of what Thomas Jefferson was referring to in the Declaration of Independence when he said; “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
It has not been a long time. We are not a patient people. Time moves much more rapidly than it once did. People move and communicate in moments when it used to take months. I doubt any founding father would have sat idly by while Donald J. Trump and his alt-right administration dismantled the Republic they created. Those who voted for Trump for ideological reasons should be communicated with to learn why they support him and his hateful and harmful views. I believe they are brats who didn’t get their way in life and hope Trump will take back what they never had. The truth is, the United States change before most of them were born. I’m 51 and at no point in my life that I can remember a time which there was not a voting rights act, integrated schools, legal abortion, the Russians as our sworn enemies because their government is aggressive and fascist and devoted to the downfall of the United States. While the Soviet Union is gone, those that led the fascist Soviet government, are still in power and it’s unlikely they changed their beliefs because of capitalism or any other reason.
Trump is dangerous to our way of life, but I’m more worried about his voters but I’m terrified of the 90 million eligible voters who stayed home, unconcerned about our nation’s sovereignty and the lives of their family and friends. That’s what not voting is. It’s civil negligence. It’s like when the city comes along and tries to use Eminent Domain to take your property so a developer can build a Shopping Mall and you just get up and leave without fighting back. But, what’s worse? You didn’t get your check and cash it. That’s what those 90 million voters who failed to vote in 2016 have done. They’ve walked away from this country and our democracy without collecting their payment and they were the last hold-outs that would have prevented the city and developer from taking our homes and land.
Those of us who consider ourselves progressives, we must find a way to reach out to those people who didn’t vote, find out why and what would change their minds and convince them to get involved, simply by taking a couple of hours per year to vote one time. How many people wait longer to ride a roller coaster or board a plane? The future of freedom in the United States is in jeopardy. There may be a segment of the American population who doesn’t believe in or at least value our liberties as many of us once did.
Our responsibility to our nation and this democracy is to learn what those 90 million people believe, what they want from this nation and from life. If we fail to do this, if this country survives Trump, we will end up with another Trump and that might be a Democrat with little more to offer.
I believe that a Progressive is different than a liberal because I believe that change is a required element in human evolution and for the advancement of our civilization.
I want to offer positive energy, love, hope and my best wishes for a quick and speedy recovery to Senator John McCain. Get well soon.