I have a hard time accepting that anyone who grew up in New York City, ran a very public business for decades and has supposedly had meetings and negotiations with so many top leaders in business and government, is as ignorant of how our government works as Donald J. Trump obviously is. However, on a daily basis, he shows me and the world not only how ignorant he is about how government works, but also how ignorant he is about life. In the NY Times interview when commenting on Jeff Sessions’ decision to recuse himself, Trump once again showed his childish nature and misunderstanding of “real” life, when he complained of the situation of Session’ recusal as “unfair” to him, Donald J. Trump. It seems, that to Donald J. Trump, that life owes him fairness. I’d be interested in hearing what all of his current supporters have to say about that, except I think they might feel the same as he does…Continue Reading
Democratic Social Progressive
I’m a Progressive. I believe in Democracy. I believe we’re authorized to make this country into a nation that puts people before wealth, and wealth into action to create a just and fair life for all Americans. Am I a Socialist? That depends on what you think a Socialist is. My Socialism is democratic as we have now in the U.S., the government, which is really you and me, voting for people to protect and defend our civil liberties, guarantee and promote our general welfare and ensure to defend out nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.Continue Reading